Method, ingredients and benefits
Manipūra gut shots consist of naturally fermented raw vegetables and spices that are cold pressed. Ayurvedic principles guide the combination of ingredients. The 2-month-long fermentation process makes this product unique. We do not pasteurise our products in order to preserve all the good bacteria that help your digestive system. Lacto-fermentation results in many beneficial enzymes, B-vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotic bacteria strains, which promote gut health. Our gut shots combine the benefits of fermentation with the natural benefits of the chosen ingredients.

Filtered water, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrot, Turnip, Jalapeño, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Himalayan salt
Filtered water, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Beetroot, Ginger, Turmeric, Himalayan Salt, Black Pepper, Cayenne pepper, Peri Peri
Earthy balances the Kapha Dosha
Improves digestion
High in vitamins and minerals
High in antioxidants
May boost energy levels
Cleanses the liver
Reduces inflammation
Rich in probiotic bacteria
Balances LDL cholesterol and blood sugar levels
May help lower high blood pressure
May reduce bloating and other IBS symptoms
May support weight loss
Cooling balances the Pitta Dosha
Improves digestion
High in vitamins and minerals
High in antioxidants
May boost energy levels
Contributes to a stronger immune system
Reduces inflammation
May help lower blood sugar levels and manage diabetes
Rich in probiotic bacteria
may contribute to lower cholesterol levels
May Decrease Breastfeeding Pain
May reduce bloating and other IBS symptoms
Supports the body's natural detox process
May support weight loss
Warming balances the Vata Dosha
Improves digestion
High in vitamins and minerals
High in antioxidants
May boost energy levels
Cleanses the liver
Reduces inflammation
Rich in probiotic bacteria
Balances LDL cholesterol and blood sugar levels
May help lower high blood pressure
May reduce bloating and other IBS symptoms
May support weight loss
Manipūra gut health shots consist of Lacto-fermented vegetables and spices. Fermentation is one of the oldest methods of food processing. It is the breakdown of carbs such as starch and sugar by bacteria and yeast. Lacto-fermentation is a specific type of fermentation that uses lactic-acid-producing bacteria to preserve foods.
The term “lacto” refers to lactic acid, which is a type of acid that’s produced upon the breakdown of sugar in an oxygen-free environment.
Lacto-fermentation uses lactic-acid-producing bacteria (primarily from the Lactobacillus genus), as well as some yeasts (1,2).
As bacteria break down sugar, lactic acid and carbon dioxide are formed, removing oxygen and making the food more acidic. This encourages the growth of even more lactic acid bacteria and prevents the growth of other microorganisms (3).
While fermentation was traditionally used to increase shelf life, recent research has highlighted several health benefits of eating lacto-fermented foods.
Increasing evidence suggests that fermented foods have health benefits beyond those offered by their original ingredients. This is mainly attributable to the compounds produced by lactic acid bacteria (4). Fermented foods have been associated with several positive health effects, including improved digestive health, stronger immunity, and increased availability of beneficial nutrients. Lacto-fermentation may increase the nutrient availability of foods, improve heart and brain health, and have anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting, immune-boosting, antidiabetic, and anti-obesity benefits (5).
We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.”
Ayurveda takes it a step further to say you are what you digest and assimilate. Ayurveda says this because you could be eating the “healthiest” foods and still suffer from gut and digestive issues if you aren’t properly breaking down food and absorbing the nutrients. The better your food is digested, the more nutrients you’ll absorb through food (6). Probiotics are live microorganisms that help create a balance of healthy gut bacteria in the stomach. They can be taken in the form of fermented foods, drinks and Manipūra gut health shots. Probiotics help people with IBS, ulcerative colitis and acid reflux. They also help improve immunity, promote healthy weight loss and naturally curb body odor (7).
Dosha (Sanskrit: दोषः, IAST: doṣa) is a central term in Ayurveda originating from Sanskrit, which can be translated as "that which can cause problems" (literally meaning "fault" or "defect"), and which refers to three categories or types of substances that are believed to be present in a person's body and mind.
The "three-doshatheory" describes how the quantities and qualities of three fundamental types of substances called wind, bile, and phlegm (vāta, pitta, kapha) fluctuate in the body according to the seasons, time of day, process of digestion, and several other factors and thereby determines changing conditions of growth, aging, health, and disease.
The Ayurvedic notion of doshas describes how bad habits, wrong diet, overwork, etc. may cause relative deficiencies or excesses which cause them to become imbalanced in relation to the natural constitution (prakriti) resulting in a current condition (vikriti) which may potentially lead to disease. For example, an excess of vata is blamed for mental, nervous, and digestive disorders, including low energy and weakening of all body tissues. Similarly, excess pitta is blamed for blood toxicity, inflammation, and infection. Excess of kapha is blamed for increase in mucus, weight, oedema, and lung disease, etc.(8)